
The next Culture Camp is a family and youth focussed Camp

August 26th - 30th, 2024


We are an all Indigenous female run charity. It is through community support  and other ticketed sales that we are able to give these scholarships to those who need it.

Scholarship opportunities are provided to this program are for:

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples

There are partial and full scholarships available.

All Scholarship holders will be asked to place 75$ non-refundable deposit to hold their position, fail to do so will terminate your place.

Please choose a scholarship option based on your financial need.

We find the Green Bottle Sliding Scale by Worts & Cunnings helpful when considering where you may fit in our scholarship program (see above image).

Please take the time to select which option best aligns with you.

If you would like to discuss this further, please reach out to us- we are here to help.

We reinvest all of our money back into the event and we are all volunteer run.